Insulation Grant

SEAI – Better Energy Homes Programme – Available to all owners of homes built before 2006.

SEAI & Electric Ireland grant values for 2019

Insulation Attic insulation €400
Cavity wall insulation €400
Internal Insulation (Dry Lining)
Apartment (any) OR Mid-terrace House €1,600
Semi-detached OR End of Terrace €2,200
Detached House €2,400
External Wall Insulation (‘The Wrap’)
Apartment (any) OR Mid-terrace House €2,750
Semi-detached OR End of Terrace €4,500
Detached House €6,000
Heat Pumps
Air to Water €3,500
Ground Source to Water €3,500
Exhaust Air to Water €3,500
Water to Water €3,500
Air to Air €600
Heating System Heating Controls Upgrade €700
Solar Thermal Solar Thermal €1,200
Building Energy Rating (BER) €50
Bonus for multiple measures For 3rd measure €300
For 4th measure €100

Electric Ireland Credits available for 2019

  Apartment House
Roof Insulation €64 €104
External Wall Insulation €300 €472
Internal Dry Lining Wall Insulation €256 €400
Cavity Wall Insulation €164 €260

Grant Application Link

SEAI – Better Energy Warmer Homes Scheme

There are certain requirements that you must meet in applying for the upgrades scheme. If you can answer YES to the four questions below you are probably eligible so make sure to apply today!

  1. Do you own and live in your own home? 
    This must be your main residence, where you live most days of the week.
  2. Was it built and occupied before 2006? 
    This means the ESB meter was connected and property lived in prior to 2006.
  3. Do you receive one of the following welfare payments?
    • Fuel Allowance as part of the National Fuel Scheme.
    • Job Seekers Allowance for over six months and have a child under seven years of age
    • Working Family Payment
    • One-Parent Family Payment
    • Domiciliary Care Allowance
    • Carers Allowance and live with the person you are caring for (effective from 1st August 2018)

    4. You have not received works previously under the scheme.  While homes that previously received works under the scheme are not currently eligible for a second visit, consideration will be given to revisiting these properties later in 2019, where feasible and appropriate.

More Information

Home improvements offered:
There are a number of home energy improvements offered as part of this scheme. The upgrades that will be recommended for a property will depend on many things including age, size, type and condition of the property. For each eligible home, our SEAI technical surveyor will determine which upgrades can be installed and funded. These include:

  • Attic insulation
  • Cavity wall insulation
  • External wall insulation
  • Internal wall insulation
  • Other secondary measures
  • Upgrades recommended occasionally

When insulating your attic or walls, we also ensure that there is enough ventilation. Keeping a home ventilated improves the air inside. This reduces the possibility of condensation or mould occurring.

Electric Ireland – Energy Efficiency Incentive

Available to residential Electric Ireland customers. All energy efficiency measures must meet SEAI standards to qualify for the programme.

The Energy Efficiency Incentive provides a credit on your Electric Ireland electricity or gas bill when works are completed.

To Apply:
Call OCI Insulation – 086 841 3440. We will assess the job and explain how much credit you are entitled to and submit the details to Electric Ireland.